Colloquia of the Institute of Economic Policy

  • Colloquium Data Processing and Analysis (272074)

    Information about the Colloquium

    In the colloquium, students learn how to process and analyze data using the programming language Python. The first part of the course covers the basic functionality and use of Python. In the second part, students apply and deepen their knowledge working on a practical example of a data analysis task. The colloquium covers the central steps of the process of answering questions empirically, from the selection and preparation of data to their graphical and statistical exploration to more in-depth statistical analyses.

    The colloquium is assigned to the Bachelor's program in Economics and Management in the elective module (competence area Economics) and cannot be taken if credit points have already been acquired via the course "Seminar in Economic Policy: Data Processing and Analysis" (272073). It is planned that the colloquium will be held in English. Prior knowledge of programming and empirical data analysis is not required.

    The colloquium takes place weekly in the summer semester 2025 in the computer pool. The number of participants is limited to 10. If the number of interested students exceeds the number of available places, the decision will be made by lottery.

    For participation, an informal expression of interest is required by e-mail to Felix Wolf ( by 03.04.2025. The information whether participation is possible will be sent by e-mail on 04.04.2025. All further information will be provided during the first meeting.

    The performance requirements and evaluation consists of two parts:

    1. Term paper (75 % of the grade): Term paper on a topic from the colloquium (topics will be announced in the course), to be completed by students during the end of the lecture period and the beginning of the lecture-free period.
    2. Homework (25 % of the grade): Independent completion of three assignments (the assignments will be announced during the course) during the lecture period.

    Examiner of the course is Prof. Dr. Stephan Thomsen. Contact persons and lecturers are Dr. Vitus Püttmann and Felix Wolf.