Causal Effects and Cost-Benefit Analyses of Crime Prevention
For many years, research at the Institute of Economic Policy has focussed on evaluating the causal effects of selected prevention measures and the necessary methodological considerations. In cooperation with the State and Federal Police Crime Prevention Programme, the effects of digital communication on improving civil courage, reducing cyberbullying and preventing radicalisation have been analysed and quantified ( The results of the research were directly taken into account in police work and are an example of evidence-based action backed by scientific findings. In addition to impact analyses, research also focuses on the cost-benefit analysis of crime prevention in both the analogue and digital worlds. The effects of a podcast campaign on the prevention of intimate partner violence via social media (together with the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony) are currently being investigated.
Current Publications (Selection)
Ebers, A. & Thomsen, S. (2022). Evaluating an Interactive Film on the Prevention of Political Radicalization. Journal for Deradicalization, 30, Spring 2022, 168-221.
Ebers, A. & Thomsen, S. (2022). Evidenzbasierte Prävention im Internet: „Zivile Helden“ des ProPK. Kriminalistik, 03/2022, 138-142.
Ebers, A. & Thomsen, S. (2021). Benefit-Cost Analysis of Social Media Facilitated Bystander Programs. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 12(2), 367-393.
Thomsen, S. (2021). Prävention rechnet sich. Zur Ökonomie der Kriminalprävention, in: Franke et al. (Hrsg.), 25 Jahre Deutscher Präventionstag, Bausteine für eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Gewalt- und Kriminalprävention, 44-51, Hannover.
Thomsen, S. (2016). On the Economic Analysis of Costs and Benefits of Prevention, in: Heinzelmann, C. und E. Marks (Hrsg.), International Perspectives of Crime Prevention, 8, 9-20, Forum Verlag Bad Godesberg.
Thomsen, S. (2015). Gutachten für den 20. Deutschen Präventionstag: Kosten und Nutzen von Prävention in der Ökonomischen Analyse, in: Marks, E. und W. Steffen (Hrsg.), Prävention rechnet sich. Zur Ökonomie der Kriminalprävention, 51-124, Forum Verlag Bad Godesberg.