Doctoral Seminar Economic Policy (372026)

  • Winter Semester

    Seminar Profile

    General Details 
    Seminar title  Doctoral Seminar Economic Policy
    Course code(s)  372026
    Academic session  WiSe 2024/25
    Course availability  SuSe and WiSe
    Course content 

    Key topic areas depend on semester

    Target group / area

    MSc WiWi PO 2017: Area Economic Policy and Theory

    Number of participants  6
    Course language  German or English
    Location  intern Seminar
    Industry partner  No
    Timetable  Weekly session, dates as required
    Completion of term paper  during lecture period
    Requirements and Academic Support 
    Objectives Students work on an independent research question using scientific methods and present the results. Close supervision of the research progress by the supervisors is an essential part of the seminar. The seminar is an excellent preparation for a later occupation in research and science (PhD studies).
    Prerequisites Good to very good knowledge of empirical economic research and quantitative methods.
    Introductory course to academic research  Recommended: 
    Formal guidelines  -
    General Literature -
    Basic literature to introduce each topic  To be announced; data access can be provided by the Institute of Economic Policy (e.g. data from statistical offices, Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) etc.).
    Methodology Preferred quantitative-empirical analysis
    Specialised software  None (Office, Stata, R)
    Recommended word processing software  no special recommendation
    Length of term paper Approx. 10-15 pages plus appendices, explanations, codes
    Meeting(s) to discuss outline  min. 2
    Performance requirements / evaluation [indicate weighting]  obligated attendance during meetings and presentation of the paper, oral participation / seminar paper (75%), presentation and discussion (25%)
    examiner Prof. Dr. Stephan Thomsen
    contact persons Dennis H. Meier
    Group Assignments and Topics 
    Group assignment  Possible
    Group size 1-2
    Group formation according to the proposal of the students

    Independent research-based working on economic policy issues related to the framework topic, but own topic ideas and suggestions are also very welcome.

    Assignment of topics  Preference-based
    Initial registration  see below
    Process Schedule 
    Initial registration / application  With grade transcript by e-mail to the contact persons mentioned above. Please also register early in the Stud.IP course (from 01.09.2024).
    Initial discussion / topic discussion / kick-off meeting 

    Date to be announced


    Topic assignment At the initial discussion
    Formal (binding) registration After the initial discussion
    Commencement of seminar paper After topic assignment
    Submission of seminar paper Date to be announced
    Submission of presentation Date to be announced
    Presentation Date to be announced