Institute of Economic Policy Research
Präventive digitale Sicherheitskommunikation (PräDiSiKo) - Ökonomische Analyse eines innovativen Ansatzes für Kriminalprävention in sozialen Online-Medien

Präventive digitale Sicherheitskommunikation (PräDiSiKo) - Ökonomische Analyse eines innovativen Ansatzes für Kriminalprävention in sozialen Online-Medien

Team:  Prof. Dr. Stephan L. Thomsen, Axel Ebers
Year:  2017
Date:  31-10-19
Funding:  Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration:  November 2016 - October 2019
Förderung des Projekts durch das Programm Sicherheits-Forschung Förderung des Projekts durch das Programm Sicherheits-Forschung Förderung des Projekts durch das Programm Sicherheits-Forschung

How can the authorities employ social media to conduct efficient crime prevention? This is just one of the questions addressed by the interdisciplinary research project Präventive digitale Sicherheitskommunikation – Ein innovativer Ansatz für Kriminalprävention in sozialen Online-Medien (PräDiSiKo), which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The major aim is the assessment and implementation of an innovative contentual and technical approach to solution. A newly developed social media site will enable the police to communicate preventive messages with the public in a conversational and interactive way. The sub-project Präventive digitale Sicherheitskommunikation - Ökonomische Analyse eines innovativen Ansatzes für Kriminalprävention in sozialen Online-Medien, which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Policy at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, evaluates the economic efficiency of the research project conducting cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analyses. The approach is highly innovative as it identifies and assesses new cost and outcome measures. More specifically, it will use suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) from social media marketing for evaluation. This is a novelty in the area of public goods.

Link to the project-homepage

Cooperation partners: Stuttgart Media University (HdM); Internet agency MOSAIQ GmbH, Stuttgart; German Police University (DHPol), Münster; Police Criminal Prevention of the Federal State and the Länder (ProPK)

Associated project partners: Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA); Land Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA), Lower Saxony