Institute of Economic Policy Institute
Prof. em. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Hübl

Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Hübl

Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Hübl
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr. rer. pol., Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Hübl
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover
Emeritus/Retired Professors
Institute of Economic Policy


  • Business cycle policy
  • Structural policy
  • Sectoral and regional development
  • Demographic-economic development
  • Theory of economic policy


  • Academic Career

    2007 - 2011
    Member of the senate of GISMA Business School Hanover

    since 2006
    Professor emeritus

    2001 - 2015
    Chairman of the Rizkallah Foundation at the University of Hanover

    1999 - 2005
    Member of the Supervisory Board of the Innovation Company mbH of the University of Hanover

    1986 - 1987
    Dean of the Department of Economics, University Hanover

    Call as director of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria declined

    1991 - 2016
    Member of the Board of Trustees of the Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research e. V., Hanover

    1981 - 2005
    Member of the Board of the Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research e. V., Hanover

    1979 - 1980
    Member of the Research Structure Commission of the Federal State of Lower Saxony

    1977 - 1985
    Member of the Board of Trustees “Problems of World Development" of the Protestant Church of Germany

    1975 - 1985
    Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Applied Systems Analysis e. V. (Pestel-Institute), Hannover

    1973 - 1974
    Vice chancellor of the University of Hanover

    Call to Freie Universität Berlin declined

    1972 - 2006
    Full Professor of Economics (Economic Policy), University of Hanover

  • Education

    Habilitation for Economics at the Technical University of Hannover, postdoctoral thesis: Determinants of nominal interest rate development in the Federal Republic of Germany

    Dr. rer. pol. Technical University of Hannover, dissertation topic: Bank liquidity and capital market interest rates

    1960 - 1966
    Industrial Engineering and Economics, Technical University Berlin
    (Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur)

    1963 - 1964
    Politics, Philosophy and Economics as Gustav Stresemann Scholarship holder, University of Oxford

  • Memberships and Functions

    Appointed conciliator for collective bargaining between Volkswagen AG and Metal Workers Union (IG Metall) Germany

    1999 - 2014
    Member of the Supervisory Board of Stock Exchange AG, Hamburg/Hanover

    1999 - 2016
    Member of the Supervisory Board of Mecklenburgische Health Insurance-AG, 2002 - 2016 Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    1997 - 2018
    Member of the Advisory Board of Hallbaum Bank, Hannover

    1991 - 2016
    Member of the Supervisory Board of Mecklenburgische Insurance Group, 2009 - 2016 Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    1987 - 2016
    Member of the Supervisory Board of Mecklenburgische Life Insurance-AG, 1991 - 2016 Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

    1985 - 1987
    Advisory Board of Mecklenburgische Life Insurance Group

    1982 - 1990
    Member of the Supervisory Board MRC Management Research and Consulting AG, Zurich

    1980 - 2004
    Pension cover pool trustee of HDI - Insurance, Hannover

Contributions to Journals and Collective Works, Short Monographs, Expert Opinions and Research Reports since 1990, Selection